Meet Dr. Whitney Woodhall, a Nationwide Children's Resident
1. Tell Us About Yourself.
I am originally from western MI, and came to Ohio for my pediatric neurology residency at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
2. Why did you go into medicine and specifically neurology?
I love the intersection between science and society. I find the brain fascinating, and we are always learning something new about the way children’s brains work. Nationwide Children’s hospital is one of the largest children’s hospitals in the country and I chose to come here for the high number of patients I would be able to see.
3. What made you decide to focus on women with epilepsy?
I love the intersection between science and society. I find the brain fascinating, and we are always learning something new about the way children’s brains work. Nationwide Children’s hospital is one of the largest children’s hospitals in the country and I chose to come here for the high number of patients I would be able to see.
4. What are your plans after you finish residency?
I will be a general pediatric neurologist in Reno, Nevada.
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Have a clinic full of happy patients that are in a better state of health than when I met them.
6. What would be one piece of advice you would give to women and girls living with epilepsy?
Continue to advocate for yourself!
7. What do you do when you are not working?
I love to ski, sail, hike and travel. I’m usually enjoying the great outdoors.
8. Tell us one thing that most people don't know about you.
I’ve trekked to Everest Base Camp, and I hope to return to do some more serious climbing in the future.