My Epilepsy Story

Harper’s Story


Each month I feature a story from one of my readers who has been affected by epilepsy.
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Harper writes:

[image title=”Harper’s Story” align=”left” size=”small”][/image]My name is Harper Elle Howard and I was born April 12, 2010. My family often times calls me Harperpotamus. I am well cared for by supportive family and loved by many friends. My big sister Lily is my world! I love her oh so very much and desperately wish I could tell her that. I know I’m not the sister she thought she would have, but I hope she sees my love for her when she looks into my eyes!

I really enjoy playing with beads and the shinier the better! I also enjoy music and lights; whatever toy combines the two is the best one invented! Petey, my dog, and I enjoy looking out the window together. If I do not want to play with you I will roll to my side to ignore you. Unlike most babies, I often times would rather not be held, but this does not mean I want to be alone. I like to know someone is with me. When I am happy, enjoying our play time, or proud of my effort I will stick my tongue out. This silly habit is one everyone seems to enjoy!

I currently have anywhere from 3 to 5 seizures day and they can last as long as 5 minutes. In the past I have had up to 12 seizures in one day and they have lasted as long as 15 agonizing minutes. Although the seizures confuse me and sometimes hurt, my family is ALWAYS right there with me as I come in and out of awareness during them. They often times sing to me and it comforts me hearing their voice.

My seizures have delayed my abilities severely, but I understand more than you might think. It takes me longer to process your words but given adequate time I will show you I understand. I am physically 19 months old. However, my abilities are that of a 4 month old. It takes a great deal of physical and mental effort for me to “play.” Although my progress is slow it is there and for that I am thankful!

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We are an International, non-profit organization that serves to bridge the gap for women and girls diagnosed with epilepsy.

Disclaimer: Education materials on our website offer general medical information based on up-to-date evidence and, when available, practice guidelines. They are not intended for individual medical advice. Please refer to your treating physician to understand how this information may be applied to your care.

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We are an International, non-profit organization that serves to bridge the gap for women and girls diagnosed with epilepsy.

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Disclaimer: Education materials on our website offer general medical information based on up-to-date evidence and, when available, practice guidelines. They are not intended for individual medical advice. Please refer to your treating physician to understand how this information may be applied to your care.



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