Where has the time gone???? My baby has now turned 6! Life gets busy and time passes so quickly. We think that we will have time to treasure every moment and then I quickly realize that those moments are gone. David, is our full of life son! He soaks up every second of the day to really “live life”. He approaches the world full speed ahead. He loves like no other….. David wants to snuggle, laugh, be silly, tell jokes, and be just like his daddy. He follows his daddy around cutting the grass behind him with his “bubble mower”, dances like his daddy in the kitchen, runs like his daddy (I think he will run cross country like him one day too), and kneels next to him to say prayers while reading his bible. Our sweet little boy is growing up…… He still loves to be the baby and with those beautiful blue eyes, blonde hair, and glasses who could resist letting him be the baby at times?
Our sweet David is growing up and I love the little boy he is becoming. He will do great things as he helps others and loves without end. He has the heart of a servant and I look forward to seeing where that will lead him as he grows. So this is just a reminder to take this day and have some “Mama and Daddy Time” as David calls it with your children. These days are going by so fast…. I look forward to the next 6 month, 6 years, 16 years and beyond with my beautiful family. Enjoy yours today!