Hello from MES’s new Health & Wellness Director! It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about the holidays, although I do hope you all had a happy holiday season! I’m talking about those darn resolutions. Mid to late December most folks have at least 1 or 2 things in mind that they’d like to tackle in the new year. Or maybe, now that you’ve been writing 2018 for a couple of weeks, you’re thinking its time to make some additional changes. Pretty often those changes include something health & fitness related. For those of you with Epilepsy, I’m encouraging you to include fitness into your resolutions this year, and here’s why…

Take a Cue From Research
Research tells us several things: 1) People with epilepsy tend to shy away from exercise, making them more likely to develop additional health conditions ranging from obesity & heart disease, to type 2 diabetes & certain cancers. 2) Regular exercise, even as little as walking 2 times a week, provides health benefits, including a reduction of seizures. It’s worth talking to your doctor about exercise & what amount would be safe for you at your next visit, though I bet it’s been discussed before. ?
Ok, Let’s Do This
Once you’ve been cleared to exercise by your doctor, you’re probably thinking, “Ok, what now?” That’s where I come in. If you’re not able leave your home to workout, or maybe your schedule is too hectic to get to a gym, no worries! I’m
going to be posting workouts to this page regularly. Workouts you’ll be able to do at home with little or no equipment. Other things you can do: walk around the outside of your home a few times or even around the block, go for a bike ride with a friend, take the stairs a few times. Just be sure you are safe- if you start feeling unwell, stop. If you feel a seizure coming on, stop & take precautions. Make sure you have a phone handy at all times. Exercise with a friend the first few times until you know how your body will react. Bottom line, do what feels right for you! And stay tuned… your first in-home workout will be posted soon!

In Health,
Health & Wellness Director
My Epilepsy Story (MES)
If you have health & wellness related questions, feel free to call me at (615) 822-4224 or email me at [email protected]