My Epilepsy Story

Heartache and Joy

photo copy 4Well the weekend is ending and a new week is ahead of us. As I reflect on all the things that need to be done I am tired yet I am very excited about the possibilities that are coming my way. This weekend was wonderful to be able to spend it with my family. My heart longs for the family that is far away that I do not get to see often but I am reminded of the love that they have for me. In life we do not always have things turn out the way we intended them to turn out but it is part of our story. In life, families are not always what we had wished they would be. When I look at my children, I hope that they will see how much their family loves them. Our family has struggled through tough times as we have searched for answers for Samuel over the years. At times, the heartache was so hard to live with but we pushed through the heartache. I wished that our family didn’t have to experience the heartache but our open transparency of our heartache is part of our story that will change things in this world.

This evening as I think of the word “heartache”, I decided to look up the definition. Heartache means an “emotional anguish; sorrow” or “intense sorrow caused by loss”.


[blockquote cite=”Doug Collins”]I’ve always said you have to go through a lot of heartache in life to feel joy.[/blockquote]

When I think of the word heartache, I often think of the sorrow caused by the loss of the life that we thought we would have. Yet, at the same time, we are blessed to have this joy that comes from having Samuel….. The joy that he brings to our lives and the being able to see the world through the eyes of this AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL BOY! The heartache of watching him struggle through different things in his life but the joy of watching him overcome these things. All this to say, that I am blessed to have felt the heartache.

brandy sam

[blockquote cite=”Author Unknown”]When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.[/blockquote]

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[blockquote cite=”Helen Keller”]Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of overcoming it.[/blockquote]


[blockquote cite=”Henry David Thoreau”]If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.[/blockquote]

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0 Replies to “Heartache and Joy”

cynthia Harden

19 Mar 2013

That was an inspiration as I start my day! Thanks, Brandi! Have a wonderful day and a good week.

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