My name is Betty and I have had epilepsy since I was 2 years old. I was not allowed to do anything because of my epilepsy, so it made me feel locked up. I went through school in special classes and made it through getting my high school diploma. When I was 17 years old, my doctor said I could not have any children because of my disability and I did believed in that. I cried for 3 years and then God gave me one. She came out healthy and didn’t have epilepsy like me. If I had known that I was really going to have a child, I would have taken parenting classes to be sure how to raise a child. From this I see you can’t trust all doctors.

After 3 years passed I thought I would not be able to earn a degree because of my epilepsy, but people told me that I can’t let my disability block my life. It was my family and friends that kept telling me: “Don’t give up!” So I had to keep going until I found out what I wanted to do, which is art. I went to Columbus State Community College for 4 years and finally knew that I was an artist. So now, I do art for a living and during my spare time. When I feel bad, hurt, or something is bothering me, I just make art to help me to feel better because it is fun.
I had a husband, named Victor Alexander, and we raised a daughter together, who is 18 years old now. My husband passed away last year when he had just turned 63 years old. Ever since he has been gone, my daughter and I have had hard times. My husband always took care of me, but everything is on me now and so things are difficult. I feel my daughter runs over me. She knows of what to do and I try to do my part, but if she doesn’t respect me I end up having seizures because of the stress.

I am so thankful that I have my family and Brandy. They all check on me and give me advice to questions I have regarding what to do. I have to not get too upset or stressed out and I have learned to put it in God’s hands. Of course things can’t happen overnight, but it’s about believing in it. I am trying to get the right counseling I need, but it is hard to do. Additionally, I just got put on a new medicine, which was nerve-wracking, but I will always believe in my wonderful neurologist. I need her at all times. At the end of the day it’s about me moving on in life. I am and will keep trying.