Well I have arrived home from Atlanta and had a couple of days to recoup from my trip. For those of you that didn’t know, I went to Atlanta to meet with some people at the CDC and to have a meeting on the MONEAD Research Study that is about to begin. This was an amazing trip to Atlanta! The meeting with the CDC went great. We discussed a lot about epilepsy and autism. I was fortunate to have been able to have the opportunity to meet with this great group of people!
I also had to opportunity to attend a meeting on the MONEAD Research Project which is set to begin next month. This project is to see the risk for problems during pregnancy and adverse outcomes in children of mothers with epilepsy. Dr. Kimford Meador of the Medical College of Georgia and the Board Chair of My Epilepsy Story is the principal investigator for this study. Dr. Page Pennell of Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston is also a lead investigator for this project. They also have an AMAZING group of doctors across the country participating in this research with them! I would encourage EVERYONE to go to www.neadstudy.org to read about the project and sign-up to participate if you qualify!
I was given the opportunity to share our personal “My Epilepsy Story” and about the organization with everyone at the MONEAD meeting as well as the CDC. As I sat in the room listening to things being presented for the MONEAD Study, I began to tear up a bit. I thought how wonderful it was to see this project coming together to make a difference in the lives of women living with epilepsy. This has been a long road with Samuel, at times, but I am glad to be able to share about our road and turn all this heartache into joy. I am so thankful to the WONDERFUL person that cared for my three beautiful children while I was away. This has been an amazing journey. I look forward to seeing where this journey will lead to. I am so blessed to have GREAT board members that continue to encourage me. I am blessed to have a best friend that continues to push me to do great things for my children and this organization! We will change the tide for epilepsy. I look forward to the next year, 6 years, 16 years, 26 years and beyond. Great things are beginning and I am choosing to focus on the great things and not the things of the past. Thank you again to EVERYONE that made this trip possible and EVERYONE that continues to encourage me. Much love.

0 Replies to “Atlanta and the CDC”
Janie Wells
What an amazing woman you are. Every wonderful discovery and powerful journey is sparked by a heart of passion and a desire to make the world a better place -both of which you have in mega proportions. Janie