Medical Grand Rounds: Women’s Neurology – Lessons from the Field - My Epilepsy Story | Epilepsy Support
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Medical Grand Rounds: Women’s Neurology – Lessons from the Field
- 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Medical Grand Rounds: Women’s Neurology – Lessons from the Field
- Esther Bui, MD, FRCPC Division of Neurology, University Health Network Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
- Brandy McFadden Executive Director/Founder, My Epilepsy Story
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the history of Women’s Neurology and why the development of a subspecialty is needed.
- Review educational gaps and share how an American Academy of Neurology curriculum was developed.
- Discuss the future of Women’s Neurology – how far we have come/how much further we need to go
When: Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
How: Join Zoom Meeting: https://uhn-etms.zoom.us/j/91658213585?pwd=MUFMK0hQR3p3T0RjYTcza2UwTGxtdz09
Meeting ID: 916 5821 3585
Passcode: 114523